
  Producto Precio Cantidad Total  
Disturbance Tox Populi LP

Disturbance - Tox Populi - LP

Urban Rejects - State Of The Nation - EP

Urban Rejects - State Of The Nation - EP

East Rebels Mit Aller Gewalt LP

East Rebels - Mit Aller Gewalt - LP

Kong Kong - From Russia With Punk - EP

Kong Kong - From Russia With Punk - EP

Lager 33 Violencia Futbol Y Cerveza LP


Camera Silens Rien Quen Trainant LP

Camera Silens - Rien Quen Trainant - LP

Vindicate This! - Hard Feelings - EP

Vindicate This! - Hard Feelings - EP

Shaved Heads / Martens Army - Our League - EP

Shaved Heads / Martens Army - Our League - EP

Charlie Harper – Stolen Property - LP

Charlie Harper – Stolen Property - LP

Kapo Blöd - Les Années Bergo - LP

Kapo Blöd - Les Années Bergo - LP

Frantic Flintstones - Not Christmas Album - LP

Frantic Flintstones - Not Christmas Album - LP

Himnos Irmo Lebel Harry May LP


The Gundown - Dead End Alleyway - LP

The Gundown - Dead End Alleyway - LP

0068 TAE Stormbringers Ofensiva Split EP

Stormbringers / Ofensiva - Split - EP

Castillo - Signs Of A Different Time - EP

Castillo - Signs Of A Different Time - EP

The Adhocs Gorilla Rules Ok EP

The Adhocs - s/t - EP

Riot Company / Foreign Legion - Salute To The Boys - EP

Riot Company / Foreign Legion - Salute To The Boys - EP

The Templars - Reconquista Volume I - LP

The Templars - Reconquista Volume I - LP

Revenja - Can​ç​ons de Guerra - LP

Revenja - Can​ç​ons de Guerra - LP

The Chanpions Inc. - Man In The Moon - EP

The Chanpions Inc. - Man In The Moon - EP

Tension La Locura Acecha En La Oscuridad EP

Tensión - La Locura Acecha.. - EP

118 TAE Bardeo Joven Radical EP

Bardeo - Joven Radical - EP

Furious People 2005 2015 LP

Furious People - 2005/2015 - LP


Kaleko Urdangak - Bizirik - Digipack + Poster

Espasmódicos - Último Concierto - LP

Espasmódicos - Último Concierto - LP

Izar Beltz Ateneoa

Izar Beltz Ateneoa (BOOK + cd)

Larsen - Canciones Desenterradas - LP

Larsen - Canciones Desenterradas - LP

4 Skins - The Wonderful World Of The 4 Skins - LP

The 4 Skins - The Wonderful World Of / The Best Of - LP

Sex Pistols - Burton On Trent Recordings - LP

Sex Pistols - Burton On Trent Recordings - LP

HardxTimes ‎- Demain - EP

HardxTimes ‎- Demain - EP

Asedio - Fuego - LP

Asedio - Fuego - LP

The Coventry Automatics - Dawning Of A New Era - LP

The Coventry Automatics - Dawning Of A New Era - LP

Kneipenterroristen Härter als der rest LP

Kneipenterroristen - Härter Als Der Rest - LP

Blackball - Never Regret - Digipack

Blackball - Never Regret - Digipack

Rathole - Brussels 1979/1984 - Photobook

Rathole - Brussels 1979/1984 (PHOTOBOOK)

Lost Boyz Army « Unvergleichlich PicLP

Lost Boyz Army - Unvergleichlich - PicLP

Bolsa Tela TAE RECORDS (Tote Bag)

Bolsa de Tela TAE RECORDS (Tote Bag)

Liberty & Justice - Top of the Scrapheap - LP

Liberty & Justice - Top of the Scrapheap - LP

101 TAE Borguetti Crew Brigade Loco Azione Diretta LP

VV/AA - Borghetti Crew: Brigade Loco / Azione Diretta - LP

Bovver Boys Of The Dead EP

VV/AA - Bovver Boys Of The Dead - EP

VV/AA - Black Is Beltza II Ainhoa / BSO - LP

VV/AA - Black Is Beltza II Ainhoa / BSO - LP

La Inquisición - Mundo Invisible - LP

La Inquisición - Mundo Invisible - LP

Lumpen - Corrupci​ó​n - LP

Lumpen - Corrupci​ó​n - LP

Orreaga 778 EP

Orreaga 778 - s/t - EP

Agnostic Front - My Life My Way - LP

Agnostic Front - My Life My Way - LP

Kaos Urbano - Punk Saves Madriz - LP

Kaos Urbano - Punk Saves Madriz - LP

Sindicato Oi Pela Gloria Das Ruas LP

Sindicato Oi! - Pela Gloria Das Ruas - LP


Cart Totals

Subtotal  799.00

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Total  805.50
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